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Connecting Our
Communities Together
A Rural Healthcare Fiber Optic Network Serving The Brazos Valley
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Our Purpose
Providing high-speed internet to rural health care providers.
The Brazos Valley Council of Governments (BVCOG) successfully coordinated the development of a health care consortia to bring affordable, high-speed broadband to rural Brazos Valley healthcare providers.
High-speed internet isn’t available to many rural areas in Texas. In healthcare, facilities are unable to electronically transmit data, x-rays cannot be sent to a specialist for advice, medical records cannot be transferred electronically, and using Facetime or Skype to consult a doctor is out of the question.
Coverage Area
The network will support the needs of the healthcare community long into the future.
Reliability and Security
Built to be 99.999% reliable, BVCOGNET’s two fiber-optic rings are built to the highest standards. The 11 regeneration sites are built to Category 3 hurricane standards and have self-contained air conditioning and heating units, Uninterruptable Power Supplies (UPS) systems, generators and complete environment and security monitoring.
Built on a single-mode fiber optic cable, the BVCOGNET consists of a 10 Gigabit (Gb) backbone which is scalable to 100Gb. BVCOGNET members can choose speeds between 10Mb and 1 Gb. Designed to allow growth, interconnection points are planned for cost-effective expansion if the 320+ miles of 48-strand fiber optic cable.
BVCOGNET is funded by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) in partnership with the Brazos Valley Council of Governments (BVCOG) and Brazos 2020 Vision, Inc. as a way to provide world class medical care through high-speed broadband capabilities to rural areas. Connection is available to health care providers, schools, county and city government, non-profit organizations, and commercial businesses in the seven-county BVCOG area. Please contact our sales team for more information.
About Us
BVCOG enlisted the help of many community partners.
BVCOGNET was formed as a program of the Brazos Valley Council of Governments in a response to a deep need in our region for broadband internet access. Healthcare facilities, schools, and businesses in the rural areas are limited in their potential to provide world class service without a high-speed, reliable access. BVCOGNET is funded by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) in partnership with the Brazos Valley Council of Governments (BVCOG) and Brazos 2020 Vision, Inc.
By partnering with professionals from Texas A&M University, BVCOGNET designed a dual ring architecture - to not only provide the much-needed bandwidth and speed, but to provide the quality and reliability that is usually only seen in larger cities. The dual ring architecture allows your data to reroute instantaneously if the fiber is damaged at any point within the network. With over 25 years of fiber optic construction experience, the Texas A&M University Telecommunications Department assisted with the design and initial oversight of the network construction.
The contract to construct the dual fiber-optic rings was awarded to Housley Group. Housley Communications is one of the largest fiber-construction contractors in our five-state region with experience pulling fiber for AT&T, Verizon, Century Link, Time Warner and Cox Cable.
With over 25 years of fiber optic construction experience, the Texas A&M University Telecommunications Department assisted with the design and initial oversight of the network construction.
BVCOG Fiber and Managing Network Partners.
Since 1980, Housley Communications Inc. has been providing underground, aerial, and engineering services to Telecom and CATV providers throughout the United States and around the world, with key regional offices throughout Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Kansas.
FIBERTOWN provides high-availability production and colocation data centers, as well as primary and secondary SCADA control centers and dedicated business-continuity office space for Fortune 500 companies, as well as various sized organizations across several industries and the public sector.